Friday, July 30, 2010

Back on the Move..

Ok, I have been down and out for a week now and am finally feeling better. Was in the hospital 2 days ago, got a few bags of fluid put in me. Turns out the woods gave me something to remember them by, I will spare you all the details but lets say it wasnt pretty. I will be in Portland the next 2 nights, check out the city and then will make my way to Montana with a stop at Redfish Lake in Idaho. I have been told by a good friend of mine this place is amazing! Thanks for all of the welcoming emails and phone calls lately. I will report soon. Hope everyone is well..

Monday, July 26, 2010

Still Roseburg, OR

Looks like I will have no stories for a few days at least. I went to a quick care this evening and have a 103 fever and a few other sicknesses to go along with that..Hopefully I will get over this soon, have to do some lab work tomorrow and can figure out better whats going on..Until next time..Hope everyone is well

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pics-Crater Lake and more..

"Little Falls"..(Presumably named after Kirk)
Toketee Falls..No words
Watson Falls
Amazing, as the sun was rising. To your left is another volcano within the lake

From the top w/Crater in background
Who has the wing suit?!
Halfway up Mt Scott

Phantom Ship
Annie Creek
Annie Creek

July 25-Oregon

Hello everyone..Currently I am in Roseburg, OR. Town of about 20k or so..Have spent the last 2 nights at Crater Lake, which was formed from a volcano caving in..It is the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. Oregon itself is amazing. Soo much water, however, with water comes mosquitos. They can be somewhat of a nuisance but luckily I was prepared. Hiked up Mount Scott which is about 8930', amazing views from up there and still plenty of snow on the ground. Im not sure where I am going next, but it should involve some whitewater rafting of sorts..Plenty if pics to go along with this..Ill try to figure out how to write something next to reach pic..

Friday, July 23, 2010

Few descriptions of Pics (7-23)

from bottom up, you have Palmers Point, located near Emeral Forest along the coast

Next-Just some redwoods

Next, looks like a sick Rhino..thought it was weird looking

Beach from James Irvine Trail in Prairie Creek

Smith River

Thats all for now..Couple of days and Ill have plenty more

Prairie Creek and Smith River

Day 13-Finally made it to Oregon

I am currently at a coffee shop in Grants Pass, OR. On my way to Crater lake for a couple of days for some kayaking, camping, hiking, etc..

The break in San Fran was more than I could have asked for. Justin and I had a great time, mostly realxed and finally ate some good meals, well besides lunch on Wed, Tres Avajes not recommended..Made my way to Prairie Creek National Park and did a nice 12 mile loopand saw some amazing things. Even the drive along the coast os amazing, Hwys 101 and 199..Beautiful..I also got a couple of pics of Palmers Point as they call it, the fog had not lifted by the time I got there but got some pics anyways..Its pretty amazing you can walk amongst these trees (5 yards wide and up to 100 yards high), I felt like a hobbit..but then again i was the shortest dude at Ponce's wedding..anyways, you walk in these trees and then you hit ocean..

So it was a great last few days, cali is too expensive and Ive had enough..Oregon looks to be amazing..fact you may not have known, all gas stations are full service, you do not pump your own gas, strange, oregon and new jersey are the only states that do this apparently..Ok im off to Crater, looks really nice up there..not sure after that, will keep you posted..hope everyone is doing well..Pics are up next

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy

Note Sure what Day..maybe 8 or 9

I dont even know where to begin..Im in San Francisco right now at my brother's apt and I could be happier about it. Couch, bed, shower, water and so on..Much needed! I have been in Yosemite for the last 3 nights. If any of you have never been here, grab anyone and everyone and come see for yourself. You dont need to backpack to see all this park has to offer. It is absolutely breathtaking. I was fortuane enough to see a good bit but would love to spend some more time there.

So night 1 I parked and camped at the Lower Lee Vining River, very nice and relaxing. They have bear resistant storage everywhere so at all times food, toothpastes, etc must be stored. Why bears like toothpaste I have no idea but apparently they do. So thur night was relaxing, pics will be shown of campsite. Friday morning I set off for a 2 night trip in the Hetch Hethcy area. I wasnt quite sure what to expect but as far as I knew I was ready. You have to carry a bear resistant cannister to store food in which adds 3 pounds to your pack and you keep it at least 100' from you when you camp.

I set off at 11:30 Friday, after miles of driving in the woods trying to find the place to get my permit. 11:30 is NOT a good time to start! I went 10 miles the 1st day, all of up it uphill with the 1st 4 miles climbing nearly 2000'. The sun was beating down and the lack of water sources was not expected. I suffered from heat exhaustion and dehydration leaving me unable to eat much the 1st night. After I set up camp the 1st night, I walked back about a mile to the last 1 inch stream I passed and drank as much water as possible and attempted to relax. I layed down for about and hour and didnt feel quite as faint. Camping this night was exciting. Everyone makes you worry about the bears so every branch that broke had me reaching for my spear just in case. However, the only visitors I had were deer. And when I say I had a doe 5 yards from me and my fire, I am not kidding. She just sat there as if she was hoping I would feed her some jerky so I obliged. I layed down for bed around 10 and heard more footsteps but I was convinced it was just deer so I feel right asleep.

Sunrise comes around 5:30 and from there I set off for another 10 miler but not near as hot now and not near the climb. Unfrotunately my camera was dead so sights from here on were for my eyes only.

This morning I made my way downhill for about 6 or so miles and was happy to see the reservoir in the distance (which I got pics of on the way up).

So here I am in San Fran for a couple of days. Bought to head towards the water and read a little and relax. Pics are coming next. You will see pics of the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, which you climb above the 1st day, you will see beehive meadows (1st night of camp), you will see Toulumne Meadows, Tenaya Lake and a few other random bodies of water I came across. Hope you enjoy..

Will repost in a couple of days before I take off again..Hope everyone is well, talk soon.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pics-Great Basin Trails

Day 5-Nevada

Spent last night in Great Basin national Park, just on the border of Utah and Nevada. Of course, it was pouring down so had to set up camp real quick, enjoyed a nice meal inside my tent consisting of beef jerky and crackers. Afterwwards, started reading The Alchemist (thx for recommending Jacob) and then soon fell asleep. Got up early this morning, packed up my gear for an overnight stay in the forest. Went up South Fork Creek trail (beautiful), about a 3 miles on a 2000' incline where I ran into some amazing meadows (pics are coming next) and scared up a bunch of jive turkeys. Afterwards, had another 3 miles to go to set up camp, ran into a ranger and said no fires, so I turned around down Timber Creel trail which was terrible, straight downhill, tough on the knees. Still a good training day for the upcoming Cali trip. So left the park and am laid up in Ely, Nevada. No clue whats here..actually nothing is here. I am finally getting to clean some clothes tonight and shower up, Im rather disgusting at this point. Tomorrow Im camping in Hawthorne, Nevada on Walker lake, and will leave there at 8 am Friday to head towards Mather, CA for a 3 day outing in the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, I expect good things and an intense trip. This will be my last post until then. Hope everyong is going well..

Pics from Pagosa to Nevada